Below, you can find answers to most frequently asked questions about discontinuation of blue Waltti travel card as of June 7th, 2021.
What kind of changes are about to happen in regional traffic?
Changes in travel cards
- How do I know if my card is regional travel card or city travel card?
- What is going to happen to regional travel cards?
- What is going to happen to city travel cards?
- What is going to happen to value tickets and season tickets, loaded on the travel card?
- Are ticket products on regional travel card refundable?
- Can I use my regional travel card elsewhere in Finland after June 6th, 2021?
- Why Waltti ticket products will cease to be used?
- I’m using student tickets subsidised by Kela. What do I need to know?
Service and tickets as of June 7th
- When and where can I buy new ticket products?
- Which kind of ticket products will be on sale as of June 7th, 2021?
- Who will be operating the traffic?
- Where can I find information about the new routes and timetables?
- When new information about ticketing is to be published?